Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I once got bamboozled into going on a date. How does one get bamboozled into sitting in a dark theater with her legs wadded up onto the seat and her hands as out of handholding reach as possible cringing and wishing she were anywhere else but there, you ask?
Well, I'll tell you...

He asked me.

That's about it. I didn't realize "I'm going to drive to your house and pick you up and bring you to the movies" meant "would you like to go on a date?"

Along with a giant banana costume, impeccable taste, and broad shoulders, I think I got my dating skills from my father. Clearly, it wasn't from Cookie  Karen.


  1. HAHAHA---don't give me too much credit for an advanced course in dating 1970's style--everybody gets bamboozled sometime.

  2. But you and Chris got married anyway, right?
