Friday, January 30, 2015

How Does a Hippopotamus Chew Gum?

When I think back on all the crap I learned in high school it's a wonder I can think at all.

Nils is now old enough to insist that he not get left out. Of anything. All of the big kids are having go-gurt? So is Nils. Mommy is drinking iced tea (decaf)? So is Nils. Mommy is in the bathtub? Daddy is eating ice cream? Carolena is coloring? Yes, yes, and yes. Yesterday he climbed on top of a small blue chair and started singing like it was his stage. Wonder where he got that one from... *cough*carolena*cough

Luckily I spent most of my high school years perfecting the art of slipping a piece of gum into my mouth and chewing it in a way that is imperceptible to others. So, combine that with my knowledge of how to design at yearbook using technology from the late 1990s and it looks like high school was a very educational time for me after all.

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