Saturday, January 10, 2015


Happy 1st birthday to the sweetest most adorable boy I know:

Nils Morgan Duncan!

He likes to chase our cats, eat anything found on the floor, and play with anything noisy. He can be a little wild man and loves to roughhouse.

He is an eating machine who really prefers sweets. Let Carolena have all the raw mushrooms, Nils wants pudding.

Nils has discovered that Mommy appears to be somewhat of a slave. Therefore, she should carry him around like the king that he is. He cries until I pick him up and then points, grunts, and makes very "I'm more dignified than you" faces until he gets to where he wants to go.

Nils is the biggest flirt. The twinkle in his eye and his coy little smile. This guy is trouble.

Reserved in public, he'll smile and flirt but has no trouble with me leaving him in the nursery. Why cry that Mommy's leaving when there are two young females to impress?

He has six teeth and can walk! He's stingy with the walking trick though and expects everyone to clap with him when he accomplishes this feat.

He's happy and he knows it and he'll clap along to show it. He's our delightful, charming, smart, beautiful, wonderful, loveable boy and we love him love him love him!
Happy birthday my darling boy!


  1. What a delicious little bowl of pudding he is! He's adorable, Casey!

  2. He's such a happy guy! Many Happy Returns, Nils!
