Monday, August 19, 2013

The Man From the Moon

Now that E.T. has fully acclimated to your home you will have realized by now that he is a perfect best friend.

There are tons of activities that E.T. enjoys so it is really best to always keep him by your side. E.T. will need to be clothed and diapered at all times. He sees the wisdom in your style choices and your clothes are conveniently just his size so be sure to outfit him in dresses, hats, and stylish t-shirts. Every once in a while you should take off all of his clothing and yell, "body!" or "belly!" or "hiney!" as the mood strikes you.

E.T. is always up for a stroll in your baby doll stroller or for a quick cruise in your shopping cart. He loves when Mommy makes cookies and likes to help taste the chocolate chips and drink milk. If you get in the laundry basket, bring E.T. It's a cozy cuddling spot.

E.T. will need to sleep in your bed so that you can stay up late whispering and giggling, and that way you can chat as soon as you wake up in the morning. He'll want to lie on your diaper changing table with you and come along with you to breakfast. Be sure he gets to sit in his favorite chair.

If you ever accidentally hurt E.T. be sure to tell him, "I sowwy" and comfort him by rocking him and saying, "shhhh." If that fails to do the trick take him to Mommy for a kiss.

Yep, that E.T. is one great friend.

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Words of Wisdom by Carolena

If you're in your crib it means Mommy won. Presumably you did everything you could to stall the inevitable: you took your time getting to your room, you resisted a diaper change, you requested more books, you asked her to "wok" and sing to you in the rocking chair. Yet, nonetheless, here you are in your crib. Spend some time playing with toys and then call out for Mommy. If Mommy doesn't come to get you, call out for Daddy. If Daddy doesn't poke his head into the room, fall back on some others: call Moom, call Jimmers, call Uncle Hunter, and by all means, call She-Ra - surely one of them will come to your rescue and save you from the clutches of Hordak and the Evil Hoard nap time.

Show off your new Minnie Mouse shirt as much as possible. If Moom is holding your new shirt and you hear a terrifying monster scream behind her (aka the dryer buzzer going off), grab your t-shirt from her hands and run! Moom can fend for herself. Save your sparkly Minnie shirt.

When you hear music you should start dancing.

When you hear music that is awesome you should start break dancing. Dance so hard that you accidentally turn your first somersault.