Sunday, June 30, 2013

W.O.W. Moom & Jimmer's House

Words of Wisdom by Carolena
Moom & Jimmer's House Edition

If you find your mom's car turning into Moom and Jimmer's driveway start cheering. Their house is always a blast so show your appreciation and excitement from the get go.

Ask to watch movies. Lots of movies. If you simply look at your mommy or Moom and request to watch "my shows" they'll laugh about how you sound like a southern woman watching soaps and then they'll cave and put on a movie. Who knows what "southern woman soap" is... and who cares. Just call it "my show" and they'll laugh about how cute you are and then you'll get what you want!

Moom and Jimmer's plants will need plenty of water. Offer to water them every afternoon. If you get have a blast and get soaked in the process then so be it... you've got to earn your keep, right?

When Jimmers gets home from work, cheer! Bounce off the walls. Run around the house. Run to the door, show him your belly button and yell, "happy!"

If your mom and Moom have the audacity to put you in your car seat and pull out of the driveway to run errands, scream. How dare they leave Moom's house! Don't they know it's fun there?! Yell, "Moom's house!" over and over to ensure they know where you really want to be.

Color. Color every single day. Color several times a day. Fill an entire spiral notebook with your masterpieces. Moom has a big box of markers... color! Suggestions of things to draw: "happies" (cupcakes), snakes, fish, alligators, and owls.

Where there is Jimmers there is ice cream. This is a hard and fast rule of life. Always eat ice cream if you are with Jimmers.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


Words of Wisdom: Mommy is Pregnant Edition
By Carolena

If Daddy seems to be the only parent who responds to your calls and makes you breakfast in the mornings...

If you're getting to watch tv...

If you find Mommy laying on the bathroom floor...

If Mommy has been stopping by McDonalds...

Then chances are Mommy is pregnant. And you'll need to be prepared to help.

If Daddy seems to be the only parent who responds to your calls and makes you breakfast in the mornings... Then chances are Mommy is pregnant. And you'll need to be prepared to help.
First, call out for Daddy in the mornings. A nice long and loud "Daaaaaaaa -da" over and over should be sufficient. Call him until he appears, then instantly smile and begin asking about Mommy. As soon as you've gotten a clean diaper (it's a hassle but Daddy will insist) head to curl up with Mommy in her bed. She'll probably be moving slowly and feeling woozy so you should be sure to keep the jumping to a minimum and instead just crawl all over her asking her to go get you some milk.

If you're getting to watch tv... Then chances are Mommy is pregnant. And you'll need to be prepared to help.
Since Mommy is busy doing first trimestery type things she'll be way more likely to turn on the tv when you ask. Sesame Street, Elmo, "My Show!" (the Muppet Movie) and "Hi Ho" are good go-to requests. As soon as she turns something on yell "no!" and pick something else... like Baby Einstein. It's good to always keep her on her toes.

If you find Mommy laying on the bathroom floor... Then chances are Mommy is pregnant. And you'll need to be prepared to help.
Now that Mommy is pregnant she is going to be spending some time on the bathroom floor. If you hear her getting sick in the bathroom go to her with some words of encouragement. In between her heaving you should cheer and yell, "again! again!" Hand her pieces of toilet paper and offer to "fwush?" She'll appreciate your good nursing skills.

If Mommy has been stopping by McDonalds... Then chances are Mommy is pregnant. And you'll need to be prepared to help.
Now that Mommy is pregnant she has discovered a wonderful place called McDonalds. Every once in a while after doing whatever it is that she does while you play at the Y Kid's Club, she'll go through their drive-through. As soon as that white bag hits her hands, start screaming. She'll need you to take a couple of fries off her hands.

Yes, things are looking pretty different around here these days. Mommy is pregnant and it's a whole new ballgame. Do your best to be on good behavior. Give her lots of kisses - preferably one on each cheek. Laugh and yell "again!" if she gags when changing your diaper. Before you know it the first trimester will be over and things will be back to usual around here... right?


So these days the only thing empty around here is my blog... and occasionally my stomach.

Our house is full. It looks like a pack of wolves took up residence here. In fact, wolves might be living in our second bedroom and come out to ransack our house at night and we haven't even noticed.

Carolena is full. Full of energy, full of happiness, full of dances to dance, full of things to say.

My car is full. Unfortunately, the Prius is not currently full on gas or oil... but there are plenty of toddler shoes, random toys, and crumbs. I wouldn't be surprised if the wolf pack occasionally hangs out in there as well.

My heart is full. Chris and I celebrate our seventh anniversary tomorrow... love for my little Carolena... and a second baby due at the end of January.

Yes, my blog is somewhat empty... but the Duncans are full.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

bon appetit

This morning Carolena found an uncooked spaghetti noodle that clearly evaded my sight and broom this week. She picked it up and proceeded to stab me in the leg with it a few times. "Ouch!" I would playfully screech each time. Finally, I asked her to go throw it in the sink (our garbage can is out of reach for her). Instead, she looked at it for a while, studied it in fact. Then, after determining it was "eeeeewwww" she proceeded to eat it.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Fish... and Snakes of Course

The other day I asked Carolena what she would like to do for her birthday party this year. Without giving it a second thought she replied, "Poppoppoppop."
"Fish?" I asked.
"Ssssssssssss" she replied.
"And snakes?"
"You want your second birthday party to be fish and snakes?" I asked.
"YEAH!!!" she cheered.

So... we're going to go with option number two.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013


Words of Wisdom from Carolena

It's a good idea to keep your parents guessing when it comes to your dining preferences. If your parent directs you toward your high chair at the kitchen table, scream, "no!" and run for your small kids' table. Then, when your parent comes to that table, scream, "no!" once more and run for your high chair. Likewise, every once in a while when your mother serves you one of your favorite foods don't eat it. Just leave it on the plate and eat everything else in sight. Then, when your mother tries to pick up your plate, yell "no!" and take it back as though you are now ready to eat your fave food. Of course, don't eat it. Stare at it for a while and then pass the plate back to your mother. She likes when you keep her on her toes.

Every time you see something that even halfway resembles a phone it's a good idea to hold it up to your ear and yell, "hewwo?!" just in case someone is on the line waiting for you to speak. If the object is just out of your reach you can use your hand in a pinch. Simply hold your hand to your ear and yell, "hewwo?!"

If you are fortunate enough to find yourself on the beach, be fearless. Spend time in the water. Let the waves wash up on your legs and knock you down. Go as deep as your mother will let you and then lie down in the surf for the next wave to come. Pick up shells and hold them high in the air announcing, "shell!" to anyone within earshot. If your Jimmers brings down a cast net, squeal and yell, "fish!" Perhaps your dad will even let you hold one of the fish at which point you should just smile and then throw it back into the gulf.

When looking for something to do just find something to sit on and declare, "itsahooorrse."