Wednesday, April 30, 2014

I Called the Witch Doctor He Told Me What to Do

One of the things we talked about in my "witch doctors" meeting this week (known to the rest of the world as Weight Watchers) was how important it is to be positive. When we tell ourselves or others that we can't do something then we actually increase the likelihood that we will not in fact do the task. We were encouraged to spend time saying (to ourselves and out loud) I can.

I found it interesting that we discussed that in my meeting since this is something I have been working on lately on my own. I'm trying to give myself the same advice and admonitions that I give to my daughter. They take different forms at different times but here are some of the basic themes:

"You are very capable."

"You are a very smart girl."

"You need to try something before you say you can't do it."

"You need to try something before you say you don't like it."

"If you don't put your toys away, I will throw them in the trash."

"We're the kind of girls who go on adventures so that means we're just going get some bumps, scrapes, and bruises along the way."

"What if your viking ancestors could hear you whining/stressing about that? Shake it off. We come from a long line of strong women."
She'll be repeating this one to a therapist some day... but seriously, stop talking about the "little tiny baby hole" on your finger. The "little tiny baby hole" you are obsessing over doesn't even classify as a cut. And to myself I can say the same thing, "stop talking about the {fill in blank with a variety of things}..."

"You can do it! I know you can!"

This new and improved version of thinking positively has changed my life for the better over the course of the last month. I've started going to "the witch doctors," been to a ton of awesome group exercise classes, gained muscle, and lost fat. I have a new friend and workout buddy. My first obstacle run is just over a week away. As Kelly likes to say, "It's the new Jan Brady!"

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

If the Babies Ain't Happy...

Why is the phrase "If the momma ain't happy, then nobody's happy?" I mean really. Life in our household is dictated more by the temperament of the two smallest members than mine. Today has been a sleep-in-everybody-wake-up-late kind of day, which you would think results in good moods all around. However, more often than not, if a certain toddler sleeps late then that certain someone is in a foul mood for the rest of the morning. Go figure.

So today was a screaming in the library, lots of poopie diapers for Mommy to change in public, take thirty-seven-freaking-minutes to eat a tortilla sandwich kind of day.

And yet, today has nonetheless been wonderful. A morning at the library, a bag full of new books to read, a trip to the pond to greet the baby ducks, a picnic in the park - a day full of joy. Even the hardest days around here are pretty damn great.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Clergy Spouse Confessions: Holy Week 2014

So, what does Holy Week look like in a clergy family? Wellllll...

Carolena got a cold last Thursday and has spent everyday since then with her face completely covered in snot.

Carolena picked out books at the library for us to read before bed this week... so we've been spending each evening (and naps) reading three books about Christmas.

This morning at her school Easter Party, one of Carolena's teachers said to her, "Happy Easter!" to which Carolena replied, "It's not Easter. It's Lent."

Our heater decided to run cold air without ceasing (even when switched to an off position) and our dishwasher refuses to turn on.

Tomorrow we need to dye Easter eggs, clean the house, go to church, and get to Kroger all before nap time. This in addition to nursing Nils, changing multiple diapers, and, of course, hand washing the dishes.

It's Maundy Thursday. Chris is at church. The kids are both in bed. I'm avoiding the pile of dirty dishes and ironing by wearing my pajamas and watching Shark Tank.

Happy Holy Week from the Duncans!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

This Guy

This guy outgrew the Bumbo before he grew into it. And by that I mean his thighs don't fit.

This guy has been able to consistently roll from tummy to back since he was two weeks old. Really.
This guy would rather be snuggled up than be doing anything else. Well, not counting eating of course.
This guy stole our hearts from the get-go. We love you sweet Nils.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Conversational Carolena

"I want Daddy to make my oatmeal. Mommy... you just... go make your coffee."
{Said in a dismissive voice, not as a favor to me.}

"When I'm bigger I'm going to ride on the school bus.
All the way to Colorado.
To see the marmots."
{Said every school day when we pass the school buses.}

"Mommy, you drinking your beard?"

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Words of Wisdom
By Carolena

At a loss for what to say next? Simply sing out, "Jungle Beach! Cha-cha-cha!"

Help Mommy get ready in the mornings. As she brushes her hair and puts on makeup, sit on the floor and riffle through all of her toiletries. Put on jewelry, try out any and all makeup and lotion, and generally make yourself at home. When you are ready to go, gather the stuffed animals who have joined you and announce to Mommy, "We gotta go. The party's over. See you next time!"

Baby ducks at the library pond?! What could be better than that?! Go as close to them as your mommy and the duck mommy will allow, reach out your hand to them, and call out, "Here baby ducks! Get in my hand! Right here... in my hand!" The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


Words of Wisdom
By Carolena

Have you ever tasted glue? Man, that stuff is delicious. Why doesn't Mommy ever serve glue for dinner? Hmm... perhaps she just doesn't know how good it tastes.

If you are big enough to push one of the "little tiny baby carts" at the grocery store then you should definitely be in charge of selecting and carting the groceries. Insist that Mommy leave the big cart behind. Push the small cart around the store, and while pushing be sure to take in all of the beautiful scenery. Why look straight ahead? Straight ahead isn't interesting! Besides, Mommy's ankles will stop your cart whenever it's necessary to stop. So go ahead and push that little buggy as fast as you can and stop only if you bounce into Mommy's ankles! Hmm... I wonder how many times she can get hit before she completely loses her mind...

How to explain the circle of life: "The snake hit the car and then Mommy throw the snake in the grass and the snake's body becomes dirt and that's circle of life. We listen to snake song now?"

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Nuggets from Nils

Nuggets from Nils
By Nils Morgan

Don't you just love to poop in clean diapers? Yeah, clean diapers are the best. The best. Seriously. Cleannn diappperrss. Ahh bliss.

Rolling from tummy to back is the best. The best. Seriously. If Mommy puts you on your tummy just roll. And if she puts you right back on your tummy, give her your most dashing smile and then just roll the other way.

Mommy is the best. The best. Seriously. Mommmmmy. She is so nice and so pretty and so snuggly. Smile at Mommy everyday. In fact, save most smiles for Mommy. She loves when you flirt with her.

Saturday, April 5, 2014


Words of Wisdom
By Carolena

Onion rings are so passe. Onion bracelets are all the rage these days. Just ask your mother to serve you some sliced onions with your dinner (because duh, what toddler doesn't love to eat raw onion?). Pull apart the rings, place the delicate bangles upon your wrist, and hold out your arm for all to admire.

Spend time being "a little baby rabbit." Actually, lots of time. In fact, don bunny ears when necessary, announce to anyone who will listen, "I'm a little baby rabbit," and just for good measure (and great health) eat lettuce leaves for breakfast.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Little House on the Rice Fields

There are homemade dresses under construction in the dining room, cloth diapers in the washing machine, and homemade laundry detergent in the laundry room. There are newly planted tomato plants in our backyard, a bowl of fruit on the counter that constantly needs replenishing, and home-cooked meals everyday. There are small handmade items collecting in the closet to fill two Easter baskets.

Ma Ingalls ironed clothes while living out of a chuck wagon on the prairie.

Ma Ingalls for the win. You just can't compete with that.
{And thank God I don't have to!}