Wednesday, April 23, 2014

If the Babies Ain't Happy...

Why is the phrase "If the momma ain't happy, then nobody's happy?" I mean really. Life in our household is dictated more by the temperament of the two smallest members than mine. Today has been a sleep-in-everybody-wake-up-late kind of day, which you would think results in good moods all around. However, more often than not, if a certain toddler sleeps late then that certain someone is in a foul mood for the rest of the morning. Go figure.

So today was a screaming in the library, lots of poopie diapers for Mommy to change in public, take thirty-seven-freaking-minutes to eat a tortilla sandwich kind of day.

And yet, today has nonetheless been wonderful. A morning at the library, a bag full of new books to read, a trip to the pond to greet the baby ducks, a picnic in the park - a day full of joy. Even the hardest days around here are pretty damn great.

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