Tuesday, September 29, 2015

In Other News

In other news... flowing water on Mars. That's cool.

In other news... we went to Goodwill this morning and bought a ton of kids' books. Sometimes the answers to lots of meltdowns and "growing pains" is just to get out of the house. Goodwill is a great get out of the house location for us. Kids can have a certain degree of freedom and check out toys. I usually purchase a ton of books for us to come home and read read read.

In other news... we then went on an expedition through the aisles of Kroger and somehow came out with frozen nuggets and fries. We had them with apples and pretended like we were at McDonalds for lunch... because evidently that's who we are: people who pretend to go to McDonalds for lunch. We also like to put Memphis Soul on Pandora and pretend like we're "in a fancy hotel" so perhaps those two imaginary situations can cancel one another out.

In other news... speaking of sanity and it's constant wavering... I'm one of the mothers planning c's school Halloween party. I got the ball rolling on the plans this morning with an email to the other moms. I usually like to be in charge to try to keep things sane (as much as I can) rather than having another mom email out something like, "lets all spend $100 each and get a clown!" All this is to say, I'm trying to judge how long I need to wait before telling them that I really really really want to dress in a costume and come read a book. I only know one of these people. Soooo... yeahhhh. There is no way to get across to them what I want to do without them thinking I'm nutso. Which I kind of am... so... fair enough. Fair enough. I feel like it would be awesome to slip away during the party and then have Miss Viola Swamp come in and she could read Miss Nelson is Missing (or something like that - maybe a Halloween character to read a Halloween book? I haven't thought this through yet). I'm seeing these people tomorrow. Perhaps somethings are best said in person and not through email.

In other news... speaking of Pandora... do you know that Carolena calls "New Orleans Jazz" "Old Man Jazz" because she forgets what it's called and replaces what I'm saying when I say New Orleans? Ha. I love it. She requests "Old Man Jazz" often and I love that too.

In other news... Nils has a huge crush on one of Carolena's friends (or whatever the 20 month old equivalent of a crush is) and it might be the cutest thing that has ever happened ever anywhere. Ask him anything, anything at all, and he'll answer "no" shaking his little head and humming "uh-uh." He could be drinking milk and wearing a shirt and at home. You can ask, "Nils, are you drinking milk?" Nope. "Are you at home?" Uh-uh. "Are you wearing a shirt?" Nadda. "Nils... do you like Gigi?" And then there is a lot of nodding and giggling and twinkling of eyes and babbling about Gigi. It will be weird when he's sixteen, but man, it's adorable now.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Bible Study Day: The Sower and the Seeds (Annnndddd...)

It's hard to start blogging again when one has fallen out of the habit. I have plenty of false starts (aka "drafts") in my blog. I sit down, I write a post, and then I stare at it and think "why?" When I'm blogging daily (or almost daily) I'll just post anything. When I've stopped blogging it's hard to post again. Because... why?

So, in an attempt to get back in I'll tell you about what I've learned studying Mark this week (the Gospel that is, not my father in law) because I'm blown away by learning something NEW. Without further a do, prepare to be blown away by Mark (unless of course you already know this in which case here you go).

The Gospel of Mark is meant to be read rapidly with a feeling of frantic movement to the cross. It should give the reader that kind of hyper nervous foreboding feeling. John the Baptist is arrested for his ministry right as Jesus begins his. That can't be good. Jesus is in conflict with the religious authority. Good versus evil with spirits being cast out right and left. It is a hyper kind of book. Need more on that? If you were reading it in Greek you would find that many of the sequences are linked by the word "and" or "and immediately" causing you to keep reading and reading and reading. It's meant to be a page turner that you carry into the bathroom and then ignore your family as you screech out, "I just have to finish this part!" even though you know Mark is tricking you because "this part" will end with "and immediately..." and you'll just have to finish the next part as well (I learned that from my Oxford Annotated).

All of that kind of gets lost in English (here you go) because in English all of those "ands" and "and immediatelys" would just slow us down so editors took a lot of them out. But in Koine Greek... ohhhh yeahhh. It would be awesome. SOOOO... now knowing that. Go read Mark 4:1-32. Yes, really, all of that. Just plug it in here. And, as I like to tell my Sunday School classes, you don't have to read it slowly and carefully and painstakingly with a fine tooth comb. Really. It's okay. Just read it like you're reading this.

Okay, read it? Did you notice anything? Sower and the seeds... yeah yeah yeah. We know about that. And then Jesus is kind enough to work it all out for us. Thanks (Son of) Man, we needed that. BUT THEN... HE KEEPS GOING!!!!


I've never noticed that before now. No one has ever shown me that. I've always been taught Sower and the Seeds as standing kind of alone. But here, in Mark, IT DOESN'T!! Jesus teaches the parable to a big group of people in Mark 4:1-9 then in 10 were told that he is now alone with the twelve and a small group and he begins to teach again. He explains the parable to them (notice here that HE is the sower - not us) and then Mark pulls his little "and then" maneuver. Jesus is STILL SITTING with this same group. He is STILL TEACHING on this same topic. And he KEEPS GOING! So why do we stop there?!

Let's keep going! I'm using the New Oxford Annotated Bible and the New Interpreter's Bible Commentary (VIII) and my own reason (Episcopalian, Hollah!).

I feel like it is fairly safe to say we can just rest with Sower and the Seeds as is. Jesus did a pretty good job of explaining his parable so I'll leave it at that. And then he keeps going. Jesus says  
"Is a lamp brought in to be put under the bushel basket, or under the bed, and not on the lampstand?" (Mark 4:21)
This makes sense doesn't it? Let's go to simple reason for this one. I read before bed every night (or at least fall asleep snuggling with a book). I turn on my bedside lamp, snuggle with my book, and read. What would you think if I turned on my lamp, threw a wool blanket over it, and plopped down with a book? Or turned on my lamp, shoved it under my bed, and opened a magazine, squinting to read the fine print? Nuts, right? Okay... that makes sense... but what does this have to do with the Sower and the Seeds? Jesus is flipping metaphors here so to speak. You were soil... now you are a lamp. Your job isn't to worry about what kind of soil everyone else is. Your job is to be light. Don't toss a blanket on your head or hide under the bed. Sit on the bedstand and shine shine shine. That's what the good soil does. It turns into a lamp (very logical) and shines. It doesn't judge whether or not other soil is good or not. It just shines.

But wait! There's more!
Jesus then tells this small group that the things he is telling them here in this smaller group in this more private setting are not in fact meant to be private. This isn't a big secret forever. It's meant to be told (Mark 4:22-23). Context matters greatly - in life, in reading anything, in reading Scripture. This part makes sense only if you know that Jesus is sitting and explaining a parable to a small group.

But wait! There's more!
Jesus keeps going. Remember how Mark loves "and then"?
"and then he said to them, "Pay attention to what you hear; the measure you give will be the measure you get, and still more will be given you. For to those who have, more will be given; and from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away" (Mark 4:24-5).
Now, speaking for myself here, what?! If I were just reading and not studying (yes, I see a difference) I would skip that part. But alas, studying requires stopping. What the heck is Jesus talking about? Oh... wait... FAITH (thanks NIBC!). Reread that and think about faith. Think about faith as muscles (hellllo cliche!). The more you exercise your faith the greater and stronger it will grow. Those who don't live in faith and hide it (or throw a basket over their lamp so to speak) will snuff themselves out. Ah, makes sense.

But wait! There's more!
Yes, the teaching surrounding the Sower and the Seeds KEEPS GOING. This is all still in the context of sitting and talking with a small group discussing the parable. "He also said...
'The kingdom of God is as if someone would scatter seed on the ground, and would sleep and rise night and day, and the seed would sprout and grow, he does not know how. The earth produces of itself, first the stalk, then the head, then the full grain in the head. But when the grain is ripe, at once he goes in with his sickle, because the harvest has come" (Mark 4:26-29).
Wow. Miraculous. Have you ever grown anything? It's kind of like that. We grew sunflowers this year and it was actually exactly like that. I tossed a bunch of seeds in some pots (not in rows, just tossed) and literally stirred the soil with my hands. And then I walked away. And they grew. Those suckers grew like crazy. They flowered and the flowers were full of seeds and I popped them open and did it again. And they are growing again. I like to stand by them and think, "wow. This has nothing to do with me" and marvel at the miracle. Jesus says that's what the kingdom of God is like. Here you get to be the sower. Notice again that you aren't to worry about anything. You just go back to being light so to speak. You toss out the Word of God and just do your thing and in some crazy way in which you "don't know how" (Mark 4:27) it grows. You leave the worrying about the Kingdom to God. You just go be light and throw seeds out indiscriminately and "sleep and rise night and day." God will worry about the watering and tending and soil fertilizing. Yes, for heaven's sake, no fertilizing the soil. No one wants you dumping manure in their soil.

But wait! There's more!
Yes, the Sower and the Seeds explanation and teaching KEEPS GOING. "He also said...
"He also said, ‘With what can we compare the kingdom of God, or what parable will we use for it? It is like a mustard seed, which, when sown upon the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet when it is sown it grows up and becomes the greatest of all shrubs, and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the air can make nests in its shade" (Mark 4:30-32).
If you grew up going to church then you have seen a mustard seed. At some point in your childhood or youth some adult showed up to Sunday School and passed around the smallest seed ever. An impossibly small seed. And you held it in your little paw and being a modern American who has no concept of growing seeds thought in some child capacity of thoughts, "Hey! A mustard seed. yummm... mustard... hotdogs..." If you haven't seen a mustard seed (ever or in adulthood) the next time you're in the grocery store stop by the herbs. Check out the mustard seeds. They are in fact insanely small. And just for good measure, pop "mustard tree" into Google images. It's fun. Trust me. {uh oh... when I did that actual mustard trees came up... hopefully that's what comes up when you do it and not something weird...}

But wait! There's more!
Just kidding. That's it. But really... that's it?! Wow. Jesus actually had a tremendous amount to say in light of the Sower and the Seeds parable. Why do we cut it short? We leave it off at 4:20. But Jesus keeps going... and going... and going. And reread (or at least scan) and you'll see it's obvious. "He said to them" and "he also said" and "And he said to them" and "he also said" - it's all back to back to back teachings to the same group of people about the one teaching. Holding all of these teachings together makes more sense. They all go together to paint a larger picture for us. Sure, you can pull Sower and Seeds out on its own. We do it all of the time. But look at what happens when we keep going. Look at the beauty of following Mark with all of his run ons and "and thens." Pretty cool. Pretty cool.

Go be light my friends. Let us go forth into the world rejoicing in the power of the Spirit!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

The Perfect Weekend

Every once in a while my perfect weekend is the kind when I can say to people "nothing!" when asked "what did you do this weekend?"

On Friday kids stayed in pajamas until noon. It rained and rained and rained all day. A butterfly emerged. I made a Fall wreath. Carolena and Nils got crafty at the kitchen table. We spent hours with library books. Bliss.

On Saturday we awoke to a cool breeze (we wake up early) and promptly loaded up the stroller for a walk to see if our new playground was open yet. It was! We may be the first to have used it. Carolena collected Fall specimens on the walk back to make not one but three wreaths of her own upon our return home. Football was on tv all day (and yes, "football" is one of Nils' words). I had fun making a bunch of fruit kabobs for our party at church today. Chris snoozed on the couch. I read and read and read. Nils' "night night" is finally embroidered with his name for school. Fall scented candles. Black beans and rice for dinner. Bliss.

Our church picnic is today. I use the term "picnic" loosely here as it is more of a fair this year with bounce house, kids' games, lots of food, chaos. I'm bringing two kids... and drinking coffee. Lots. It should be fun!

Friday, September 11, 2015

...not blogging...

Miss Bossypants told me to update my blog.  Ugh, I can't go to Taco Bell, Karen! I'm on an all carb diet!

Kids started school on Wednesday!

Note the fact that I MADE both of their shirts... as in... not blogging... sewing. Ohhh yeahhh. A merry time was had by all. Carolena loves school and has no understanding of other people's shyness to the point that I had to give her a pep talk about how other kids are a little nervous on the first day and it's not that they are rude or don't want to be her friend. Sheesh. Nils might be following suit as he tore past me into his classroom not giving me a chance to say goodbye. When I arrived to pick him up I was met by astonished teachers telling me they were amazed by what a fabulous first day he had - not one tear shed. Those kids.

While kids were at school I lived it up filling my arms with books at Goodwill. Because that's the way I roll. Now in the line of books to be read this fall? Atlas Shrugged, a Genghis Khan biography, and a Benjamin Franklin biography.That's in addition to Team of Rivals and New York. Hmm... I think I need to hurry up and finish Prairie Girl and The Fountainhead. So much reading, so little time. I've been reading... not blogging.

And then Carolena started ballet! "Pose like a ballerina!"

Ballet was a huge hit. Months ago she started a campaign to take ballet. She started coming to us very seriously and maturely and telling us that she was ready and wanted to be a ballerina. How could we say no? She may or may not be now referring to me as her "dance mom." Oh brother. She had a blast and came home from just one lesson with a great tap dance routine (like a few steps) to Rockin' Robin which she happily performed for us. Plus one of my best friend's daughter in is the class so that means 45 minutes of sitting and chatting with her while the girls dance and the younger ones play together in the childcare. It's a win all around - great idea Carolena!

Other things of note? Hmmm... a butterfly emerged from its chrysalis on our deck today which will never cease to amaze and excite us. Carolena surprised everyone by making brownies for dessert (with a little help from me). Nils yelled "ketchup!" Max went to the vet and we discovered his constant barfing is allergies. I got light headed and almost passed out in bootcamp this morning because I've had a cold all week. Man, want me to be a huge baby about something? Just give me a cold. Ugh. It's the worst. See? Not blogging... coughing!

I'll get better about blogging again I think. I really like maintaining my blog. I've just been busy. Living... not blogging. But really I prefer to do both.