Friday, September 11, 2015

...not blogging...

Miss Bossypants told me to update my blog.  Ugh, I can't go to Taco Bell, Karen! I'm on an all carb diet!

Kids started school on Wednesday!

Note the fact that I MADE both of their shirts... as in... not blogging... sewing. Ohhh yeahhh. A merry time was had by all. Carolena loves school and has no understanding of other people's shyness to the point that I had to give her a pep talk about how other kids are a little nervous on the first day and it's not that they are rude or don't want to be her friend. Sheesh. Nils might be following suit as he tore past me into his classroom not giving me a chance to say goodbye. When I arrived to pick him up I was met by astonished teachers telling me they were amazed by what a fabulous first day he had - not one tear shed. Those kids.

While kids were at school I lived it up filling my arms with books at Goodwill. Because that's the way I roll. Now in the line of books to be read this fall? Atlas Shrugged, a Genghis Khan biography, and a Benjamin Franklin biography.That's in addition to Team of Rivals and New York. Hmm... I think I need to hurry up and finish Prairie Girl and The Fountainhead. So much reading, so little time. I've been reading... not blogging.

And then Carolena started ballet! "Pose like a ballerina!"

Ballet was a huge hit. Months ago she started a campaign to take ballet. She started coming to us very seriously and maturely and telling us that she was ready and wanted to be a ballerina. How could we say no? She may or may not be now referring to me as her "dance mom." Oh brother. She had a blast and came home from just one lesson with a great tap dance routine (like a few steps) to Rockin' Robin which she happily performed for us. Plus one of my best friend's daughter in is the class so that means 45 minutes of sitting and chatting with her while the girls dance and the younger ones play together in the childcare. It's a win all around - great idea Carolena!

Other things of note? Hmmm... a butterfly emerged from its chrysalis on our deck today which will never cease to amaze and excite us. Carolena surprised everyone by making brownies for dessert (with a little help from me). Nils yelled "ketchup!" Max went to the vet and we discovered his constant barfing is allergies. I got light headed and almost passed out in bootcamp this morning because I've had a cold all week. Man, want me to be a huge baby about something? Just give me a cold. Ugh. It's the worst. See? Not blogging... coughing!

I'll get better about blogging again I think. I really like maintaining my blog. I've just been busy. Living... not blogging. But really I prefer to do both.


  1. Are you reading The Fountainhead right now? I've tried like 10 times since high school and finally just decided it's not for me. I did really like Atlas Shrugged. In the current political climate it's tricky for me to say that I liked it: I liked THE STORY. Dear Everyone, John Galt's plan is the opposite of the message of Jesus. But riveting stuff: PUN INTENDED.

    1. Yes, reading Fountainhead right now - we can talk more about it later. I'm enjoying it and THISCLOSE to finishing - which is why I'm online instead of reading. Yeah, I'm pretty sure the political opinion(s) in it are 100% exactly the opposite of what Jesus taught over and over and over. Fascinating. They make sense... but... then there's you know... GOSPEL.
