Tuesday, September 29, 2015

In Other News

In other news... flowing water on Mars. That's cool.

In other news... we went to Goodwill this morning and bought a ton of kids' books. Sometimes the answers to lots of meltdowns and "growing pains" is just to get out of the house. Goodwill is a great get out of the house location for us. Kids can have a certain degree of freedom and check out toys. I usually purchase a ton of books for us to come home and read read read.

In other news... we then went on an expedition through the aisles of Kroger and somehow came out with frozen nuggets and fries. We had them with apples and pretended like we were at McDonalds for lunch... because evidently that's who we are: people who pretend to go to McDonalds for lunch. We also like to put Memphis Soul on Pandora and pretend like we're "in a fancy hotel" so perhaps those two imaginary situations can cancel one another out.

In other news... speaking of sanity and it's constant wavering... I'm one of the mothers planning c's school Halloween party. I got the ball rolling on the plans this morning with an email to the other moms. I usually like to be in charge to try to keep things sane (as much as I can) rather than having another mom email out something like, "lets all spend $100 each and get a clown!" All this is to say, I'm trying to judge how long I need to wait before telling them that I really really really want to dress in a costume and come read a book. I only know one of these people. Soooo... yeahhhh. There is no way to get across to them what I want to do without them thinking I'm nutso. Which I kind of am... so... fair enough. Fair enough. I feel like it would be awesome to slip away during the party and then have Miss Viola Swamp come in and she could read Miss Nelson is Missing (or something like that - maybe a Halloween character to read a Halloween book? I haven't thought this through yet). I'm seeing these people tomorrow. Perhaps somethings are best said in person and not through email.

In other news... speaking of Pandora... do you know that Carolena calls "New Orleans Jazz" "Old Man Jazz" because she forgets what it's called and replaces what I'm saying when I say New Orleans? Ha. I love it. She requests "Old Man Jazz" often and I love that too.

In other news... Nils has a huge crush on one of Carolena's friends (or whatever the 20 month old equivalent of a crush is) and it might be the cutest thing that has ever happened ever anywhere. Ask him anything, anything at all, and he'll answer "no" shaking his little head and humming "uh-uh." He could be drinking milk and wearing a shirt and at home. You can ask, "Nils, are you drinking milk?" Nope. "Are you at home?" Uh-uh. "Are you wearing a shirt?" Nadda. "Nils... do you like Gigi?" And then there is a lot of nodding and giggling and twinkling of eyes and babbling about Gigi. It will be weird when he's sixteen, but man, it's adorable now.

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah, ladies. Mocked eat graham crackers with me,

    Did you have Mrs, Reed for 1st grade? Because I did and MISS VIOLA SWAMP WAS OUR SUBSTITUTE ONE DAY. It was amazing. We had that boom from the library recently and read it a million times. I think dressing up to read a book is a SUPER idea. I hope they go for it.
