Saturday, January 24, 2015

Just Sit Right Back and You'll Hear a Tale

If you haven't watched the latest episode of Parenthood- spoiler alert ahead! And, why haven't you watched it?! That show is so awesome! YOU are the reason it's ending! Kelly... we're all looking at you here. You take credit for MadMen's success (and rightfully so). Then you shall also be blamed for Parenthood's demise.

You or the fact that it's been on for like 50 seasons and had to lose steam eventually. Tomato, tomato.

I just watched it last night. I got curled up in my bed with the laptop. This is the one show I watch in bed - a habit I long ago developed for watching Parenthood. It keeps me from having to hear the endless questions and "ugh, soap opera!" comments from he who shall not be named. *ahem*chris*ahem*

Curled up in my bed, laptop snuggled next to me, fuzzy slippers on my feet. Oh yeah.

What is it with labor and delivery on tv and movies? Why is there so much screaming and freaking out? Hello, have you heard of an epidural? Just shut up and push that baby out! Geeze.

Anyway, I digress. Amber had her baby and Zeke showed up and got to meet his great great grandson Zeke and the music began swelling and the tears were just about to start flowing...
and then my cat sat down next to me and puked.

Evidently Olive is not a fan of Parenthood.
She's more of a Gilligan's Island fan I presume.

1 comment:

  1. Shows have to work hard to keep me interested during the summer hiatus- it's too easy to move on.
