Wednesday, March 18, 2015


It occurred to me recently that my children will be considerably behind their peers when it comes to technology. I'm not that into tv so we don't watch much. I purchased the cell phone that is marketed to parents as the phone to buy for preteens who are allowed to text but not have internet access. We don't have an ipad or even an ipod for that matter. And... truth be told... I use Windows Media Player. *gasp*

And while I'm confessing... I plan to purchase a walkman for Carolena to use on our upcoming roadtrip. Not an ipad. A walkman. hahahaha. Seriously though! They're like fifteen bucks on amazon. Sold! Plus, thanks to some awesome friends I have a Jem and the Holograms tape squirreled away that is going to change her life.

Ahem. What year is it again?

All this is to say, it recently occurred to me that my kids might be behind their peers when it comes to technology so I started teaching Carolena how to use our computer. Sure, it's a laptop and not an ipad, but it's better than the wooden spoons I've allowed her to play with thus far.

I jest.

Kind of.

So, Carolena is now versed in PBS games and how to use the mouse and how to click on the red X to close the window. Badda bing badda boom.

And someone refuses to be left out...

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