Monday, March 2, 2015

The Wheels on the Bus Go Round and Round

We've been listening to a lot of Pandora's toddler radio station lately so I often find stuck in my head lines like, "the mommies on the bus go shh shh shh… shh shh shh… shh shh shh…"

After a few years of this mommy gig I'm beginning to realize I’m just not that kind of mommy. At least not if we were on a bus...

I’m the kind of mommy on the bus who’s screeching “Stop licking the window! Everyone please chill out. Oh my goodness if you touch your tongue to that window one more time… ARGH!” I’m the kind of mommy who is busy picking boogers out of the crusted nose of what might appear to be a calf in the scramble at the rodeo but is in fact my one year old son. I’m the kind of mommy whose hair is cut short into a pixie that embarrasses my three year old daughter. The mommy whose unshaven legs peer out from between a pair of bright pink chino shorts and store brand flip flops. Red lipstick and a bandana tied around my head, I'm the mommy green and queasy, clutching a barf bag and wondering why I chose to take the bus. The mommies on the bus go shh shh shh… right. I’m the kind of mommy who drove the damn bus.


  1. 1. Remember when you stalled my car then couldn't get it started because you forgot how to use a key? Two weeks ago?
    2. What is it with the licking the windows? There is clean running water available in multiple rooms and outside, but got to get it from the window, huh?
    3. Picking crusty boogers out of kids' noses is satisfying. Ditto cats' eye boogers

    1. LOL - that was hilarious and has happened to me more often than i would like to admit. you would think it has something to do with driving a prius - but it doesnt. i remember that happening in the ram on occasion.
