Monday, March 30, 2015

Can I Get an Allel...?!?!

I am so tempted to wait a few more days to post this so that I can shout out the A word from the rooftops. Alas, it is still lent so you'll just have to imagine my deep sense of joy and hope. I went to the neurologist and you guys... it. was. awesome.

I went in with a very skeptical attitude. I started getting migraines in 2001 and they were diagnosed in 2003. I've lived with this for quite some time now and know most (all?) of my triggers. I have Imitrex to treat my pain. And this year, I hit rock bottom with my migraines. They've been so frequent and so horrible I don't even really want to go into detail and relive it. Suffice to say I would choose childbirth over a migraine any day.

So, I went into the neurologist feeling hopeless and discouraged and pessimistic. The only reason I was even going was out of despair really. And at the pressure of two of my doctors. Plus, there's the whole "new Jan Brady" thing in which I'm trying to be the person I want to be. So, reluctantly, to the doctor I went. Imagine my surprise when the neurologist turned out to be awesome! Imagine my relief when he met me where I am with my migraines rather than where I was back in 2001 as I'd feared he would. 

He was so compassionate and competent and all around awesome. He assured me that we will find the right medications for me and the right doses. He is confident that my migraines will be under control. He was honest and said that they aren't going to go away, but that with his help we'll get them manageable so that I won't spend 24 hours or more of every week lying in bed incoherent. So, hooray! I started my meds on Friday and so far so good. I haven't even had any "crunchies" - which is Casey code for the feeling that I was feeling almost everyday in my neck. Now that I've been to a doctor I know that "crunchies" are evidently blood vessels in the base of my brain freaking out and beginning to dilate. Huh, go figure. That explains the pressure feeling.

So, things are looking up! Just a few days ago I couldn't imagine a life without migraines. Now I am giddy with joy and hope for my future. Woooooo!!!!!

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