Thursday, March 26, 2015

Gone With the Wind

Hello my poor neglected little blog. Nice to see you again. Why have you been so lonely lately? Well my little bloggy...

I haven't been waking up early anymore unless it's to work out. The draw to get out of bed and sit in the quiet house and drink coffee was so strong in the past. Now, the desire to get out of bed and sit in the quiet house and drink something decaf... well... honestly that just doesn't get me out of bed. So, you my poor blog, have suffered.

Also, there was spring break.

And then I got back from the beach and discovered Gone With the Wind and all other nonessential (and some arguably essential) activities were tossed aside as I spent every possible waking moment in Tara and Atlanta. I was shocked to discover GWTW is fabulous. Why was this so shocking to me?! And how is that book so ridiculously good?!

Chris is probably happy that I finished GWTW tonight so that I'll stop randomly screeching, "Who knew this book would be so good?!" Little does he know I'm still going to keep saying that. I've had a copy hanging out on our bookshelf for years - moving with us across the US even! What?! I warned him this evening this has also opened up an entire world of Civil War and Reconstruction reading to do... so get ready friends and family... the old south might be the new Everest.

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