Saturday, March 14, 2015

Just Beachy

The kids and I spent a rainy cold spring break in my parents' beach house with Moom. It was great. A trip to Galveston, s'mores on the deck, and plenty of playing with beach house toys for the kiddos. I finished the book I've been reading since Christmas (in my defense it was looonggg) and read an entire novel.

After a great break, it's nice to be back home... especially since I married a guy who makes home improvements when I'm out of town. We came back to clean bathroom grout and a previously pesky kitchen light that now works. He's the top. He's a Waldorf salad. Or perhaps this is his way of telling me to leave town more often?

In other news, I am suspending my blog updates until I can resolve this issue:
A friend's sister's husband's nephew told me that blogspot owns everything I post.

Okay, not really. A presenter at my mother's writers' group said blogspot owns bloggers' content. I have yet to confirm this through les internetes. If this is semi-true or false, I will continue on. If this is true, I am going to have to make some decisions about my blog. And by "make some decisions" I mean... choose a different blog provider or just quit blogging. That's about it. I don't like the idea of blogspot owning my content. Not for crazy "the internet is after me" reasons, but for "what if I ever want to get a book published and can't use anything I've ever posted on my blog?" reasons. Is that even what ownership means? I don't really get it. All I know is that the guest blogger said don't go with blogspot... awwwkkkwardd...


Stupid big businesses.
Blah blah blah rant rant rant.
Nothing is ever really free except grace ammiright?

****I posted this a few hours ago. I have since read the blogger terms of service which states, "You retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that you hold in that content. In short, what belongs to you stays yours." Okey dokey, I guess that's good enough for me. Looks like I'm staying put! Woo hoo for the path of least resistance!

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