Sunday, November 30, 2014

Bug's Life

*If you are my husband, please stop reading now*

Okay, now that Chris is gone, I got a little story for you. As Carolena would say...
Once upon a time, long long ago, there was a viking girl. That girl was me!
And that is where our tale begins. Years ago when Chris and I got married and moved into our first apartment I was set on getting some houseplants. "They are so cozy!" I said. "Nope, they'll bring bugs" Chris would reply. "It will add some homeiness to our apartment!" I would argue. "Please don't get houseplants" he would say, "they'll have bugs."

This back and forth went on for years. I would talk about bringing some beautiful plants into our apartment, and Chris would offer to plant something new into an outdoor pot. I would gaze at the indoor plants in Home Depot and Chris would beg me not to get one, all the while concerned about the amount of bugs that would thrive in its soil.

A few years ago a friend invited me to a girls' get together to have dinner, play games, and do a gift exchange. After some swapping of gifts I arrived home with a beautiful potted croton, and much in the style of the father in A Christmas Story, I placed it front and center upon our kitchen counter. We've had that plant there for a few years now. It's grown and been repotted and will soon outgrow it's current location. Perhaps when Nils gets over his "eating cat food and anything that looks enticing" phase I will move it to the floor. But for now, it still resides above our kitchen sink.

A few weeks ago I placed a jar of honey near the sink after rinsing off its ever sticky sides. Later, I noticed what appeared to be an entire colony of sugar ants feasting upon my honey. Our kitchen is no stranger to these sugar loving munchkins so I followed their trail... right into my plant.


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