Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Last night I had the opportunity to go to a book signing of Col. Chris Hadfield (former commander of the International Space Station, hit youtube sensation, all around loveable Astronaut).

Guys, it. was. awesome.

He was signing copies of his new book, "You Are Here." It's a compilation of photographs of Earth that he took during his five months on ISS. He and his wife are giving all of the proceeds to the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinsons research. Yeah, he's pretty cool.
After he spoke for a bit about life on ISS he opened up the floor for questions and all two hundred (from my quick count) people's hands shot up. And he called on me! Moi!
I asked him to speak about what it was like to return to Earth after so long in space. He began by saying, "Think about your body. You heart is pumping blood five and a half feet... no... wait... five feet seven inches all of the time." HA! How awesome is that?! He said that the return to Earth was really physically demanding and that the first month was like the combination of a long serious illness and a horrible car accident and that he was nauseous all of the time. It was fascinating.
But the best answer came in response to the last question. A person in the front row asked what there is that could possibly be left on Chris Hadfield's bucket list... and his answer was phenomenal. It was a summary of how I try to live my life and was so great it deserves it's own blogpost.
To be continued...

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