Thursday, November 13, 2014

Boo Hoo... and... Moo

Carolena's school is collecting canned goods for a local food bank. She came home with a note from the teacher asking for each kid to bring something to add to the bin during chapel. So, I took my little Carolena grocery shopping for the food bank. This should not have been new to her as we have a collection bin at church that we add to, but, nonetheless, this was the particular day that it hit home to Carolena that she had no idea what was going on.


I am asked that question 50,000 times a day. "Why?" she asked as we choose our items. As I began the process of once again explaining the food bank to a three year old I was suddenly over come with the beauty of it all.

"Well," I replied, "we have enough food in our house right now and we have enough money to buy some more. We are going to pick out some things that we think other people might like... oatmeal, salt, seasonings, muffin mixes... then you can bring them to the donation bin. Someone will come pick up all of the food and bring it to a really big pantry. All of the food will get sorted onto the shelves. Then, if someone finds that they need more food in their house and they don't have enough money to buy some right then, they can go to the food bank and pick out things that they would like to bring home for their family to eat. When we share then everyone has enough."

And then, as per the usual, I teared up (I'm 10 months postpartum, give me a break).

Later that same week a newsletter from the Mother's Milk Bank, an organization I love greatly, arrived in the mail.

"When we share then everyone has enough."

These words ran through my head once more as I read about a few of the infants who are current recipients of the milk bank and the good work that the staff there is doing. And I wept once more.

When we share then everyone has enough.

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