Friday, December 19, 2014


Judging by the casual "we got this" attitudes of the McDoncald's employees, I think it's safe to assume that kids pee in the playplace regularly. Perhaps daily?

I didn't say anything to the kid busily prancing in the growing puddle. I mean, really, what else could it have been? My child was calling from up above, "Mommy! I tee teed in the slide!" Plus, his parent was already pushing him out of it. Parent Peepee will probably try to convince themselves it was Sprite. Until it's their turn to run screaming from the building with a baby under one arm, dragging a kid with soaking pants to the car.

Back on the home front Carolena got snuggled into Christmas pjams and we watched Annie trailers online. Daddy came home early and we all piled into Mommy & Daddy's bed to talk about our days and make plans for the evening.

And that was when Carolena fell off the bed and got what will probably turn out to be a sizeable shiner for Christmas.

Hurry Christmas, hurry fast, we've been good but it can't last.

1 comment:

  1. Once someone in our family was flailing on the ground by the play place in protest and one of the McD's employees turned to me and said, "Should I tell him how many kids throw up right there?"
