Wednesday, December 17, 2014

And Cut. That's a Wrap.

When Chris and I were engaged I was sitting at my parents' kitchen table working on something for the wedding (I have no memory of what it was) and totally stressing out about it. My mom finally put an end to it by yelling politely suggesting, "Casey, everything you touch is turning to shit right now! Put it away!"

I immediately turned to my brother, grabbed his shoulder, and then cackled, "Ha! Mom just called you shit!"

Remember the time I spent months working on a handmade project for my sister and then decided right before Christmas that I didn't like it and started something new?

Last night I showed Chris the new project and we determined it is ungiftable in it's current state (which was in theory "finished"). Hopefully it's not unsalvageable. I then made a double batch of caramel corn for Carolena's teachers that was taken from the oven and dumped into the trash.

Today I woke up at 4am, drank a ton of coffee, and worked out. Caramel corn: take two. Kelly's handmade gift: take three. Coffee drinking: take one million.

Hunter, want to come over and entertain me while everything I touch turns to poo-poo again?


  1. I think maybe you should not give me a handmade gift this year- based on the calendar, it's starting to sound a little thrown together at the last minute.

  2. At this point I should have gone with the bean. However, this isn't unusual - this is just a behind-the-scenes glimpse into what goes into my handmade gifts. It's not usually two in a row for the same person - but a lot of doing and redoing and backing up and redoing and pain and suffering goes into most of the things I make for you. You are welcome. :)
