Sunday, October 4, 2015


Some days you just feel like you're on top of the world. The weather is perfect, your outfit fits, the kids are well behaved. #WINNING

This morning I managed to get both kids to and from church without any major meltdowns. I taught Adult Christian Education, read the New Testament lesson, and told the story in the children's chapel. #WINNING

Kids got to eat donut holes and play on the playground. I got to talk to my sister for over and hour on the phone. AND neither of us screeched "gotta go!" and hung up on the other one to take a kid to the emergency room. #WINNING

I brought a gift to a friend, went to women's group at church, and came home to dinner I'd miraculously prepped and popped in the crockpot earlier. #WINNING

I got both kids fed and into bed. #WINNING

I loaded the dishwasher and finally, finally, decided I didn't feel too lazy to take apart the five million pieces to one of Nils' cups and pop it in the dishwasher. It has too many pieces for me to maintain my sanity and was thus tossed into the sink and ignored for the last few days. I popped off the lid and stared down at the sink at the contents of what came out of that cup.

Lemonade? Try again.
Moldy water? Nope.
Stinky old milk? Nadda.

Plain yogurt? Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a #WINNER.
I was fascinated. It was yogurt. Truly. Just yogurt. It didn't smell at all or even look remotely gross. I just stared at it, not in repulsion, but rather wondering why I put yogurt into a lidded cup in the first place.

And then I realized it must have been milk. Damn. Guess you can't #WIN em all.

Unnnlesssss... maybe I should start making homemade yogurt...!

*kidding grandmothers* i jest.

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