Friday, October 16, 2015

Rhino Hide

I just went to retrieve my single cup of coffee from my coffee maker and found a cup of water sitting there. Was the Holy Spirit trying to tell me something in some sort of coffee into water type miracle? Surely this was a sign from heaven telling me it's time to back off the caffeine.

I stared into the cup of water for a few minutes and then realized I just forgot to put in the grounds. Coffee full steam ahead!

Don't buy that coffee pot. It sucks. And I don't often say something "sucks." But if you have any respect or love for coffee at all, for the love of God, steer clear of the Bella. It is atrocious. My environmental side finds the Keurig abhorrent for my own daily minimum two cup use (yeah, I said it) and my inability to regulate coffee means I need something small. *sigh* This is one of the many reasons why I told Carolena recently to just never get addicted to caffeine when she's a grown-up.

Someone recently asked me for advice on how to not take everything to heart. "How do you not let everything get under your skin?" she inquired (she's a fellow clergy spouse).

I blathered on about taking the advice that I give to my daughter "no matter what you do not everyone is going to like your shoes, hair, (fill in whatever) so you might as well just do what you like" and just about general confidence in the fact that I can't help how other people act; only how I react.

But really I should have just said, "I drink a ton of coffee and it might be turning my skin into rhino hide and that's why nothing not everything sinks in. Tough coffee rhino skin."


  1. Have you looked into getting a pour over coffee maker? They make great coffee, and brew only one cup at a time so it would regulate your coffee intake a bit.

    1. mmmmmm I haven't... sounds lovely... and now I will!
