Sunday, October 25, 2015

Caramel Corn Dogs: Bragging AND Complaining

Each year for the kids' school carnival I sign up to contribute "a lot" to the bake sale. The form comes home asking parents to commit to bringing baked goods and I return mine with my contact information and a note saying I will show up with "a lot - whatever that ends up being." This was my third year in a row so by now the women running it just know to expect me. Don't feel guilty if you don't bake for your school bake sale. Other people contribute things like underwriting professional face painters. This is my contribution. Everyone just does something and it turns out great.
This year, I filled a laundry basket and a huge bag full of cellophane wrapped goodies, looked at all of it and decided to add caramel corn. Why? 
Yes, why indeed.
So then I made a crap load of caramel corn. A quadrupedal batch for those of you who have the recipe. For those of you who don't... don't ask. I'm no longer giving it out. I've realized the gift of caramel corn is that it is a labor of love. Part of the gift is that YOU didn't make it and I did. So, not giving you the recipe? You're welcome.
 After babysitting the caramel corn for an hour, I started bagging it and laughed as the thought "caramel corn dogs!" popped into my head.

And then, "Ha, caramel corn dogs... damn, I have to make them now."

The good news is that they were lots of fun to look at and turned out fabulous (in my ever so modest opinion) and a lot of them sold. The bad news is that... they took FOREVER.

Why did I think that making and attaching tags and gluing googly eyes and cutting and gluing ears and making puppy faces would be a quick activity?

So, the good news is that they were cool and different and overall fun to make. The bad news is they were a huge time-suck and stole my entire morning.

The awesome news is: google "caramel corn dogs" and see what comes up.
 Ha! Take that Pinterest (aka the place where imagination and creativity goes to die *ahem* not that I have strong opinions on that or anything...)! Originality wins again!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! It is taking all I have not to steal this idea for the chili supper where I also have promised to send an indecent number of things. We all have our own definition of 'fun'. Love you Casey Girl!
