Thursday, October 15, 2015

You're Welcome Future Casey

Hallelujah I did it! After dropping the kiddos off at school yesterday I spent an hour and a half in the grocery store and came home with ingredients to fill the freezer.

Then this morning I slept in. Yes. I, Casey, THE MOTHER, slept in.

*til seven*

You might be laughing that I consider 7am sleeping in... but my alarm goes off at 440 everyday... soooo... that was major sleeping in for me.

We cleaned the house this morning. Really. We did. Shocking, I know. Evidently, announcing "let's invite a friend over right now!" gets us to move our fannies. The friend wasn't able to come, but the house is now clean. Mission accomplished. {maniacal laughter}

So we went to the park and upon returning home I managed to make a ton of shredded chicken taco meat (thanks crock pot, duh), a huge pot of southwestern vegetable and chicken soup (sans green beans because... really? green beans? and with more cumin because if a recipe doesn't call for at least a tablespoon of cumin I assume it's a typo), AND a pot of white bean soup. The white bean soup is for consuming over the next few days as I highly doubt its freezability. Dang it - and I also bought ingredients to make Bean and Barley Soup but just now realized I haven't made that one yet... better get those beans soaking. PLUS, there is bread on the counter, dutifully rising and awaiting the hot oven. I think I might try baking it most of the way through and then totally cooling it and freezing it to pop in the oven another night. We'll see how it goes.

Or I'll bake it all of the way through and it will come out of the oven and we'll sit down, eat the whole thing, and then not eat anything for dinner. Yeah, that's more likely.

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