Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Itchy & Scratchy Show

Dear Future Casey, If you ever for one second doubt the decision to not get pregnant again reread this post:

Man, 99 times out of a 100 I would not recommend people use google for medical knowledge. Feeling better about the decision to not get pregnant again is not one of those times. Geeze, any time I feel down about that decision I just need to get on the old google machine and get a reality check.

If you disagree and think I should get pregnant again it's because you weren't around during either of my pregnancies. The daily (all day and night) vomiting... for nine months. The first trimester ER visits. The 8 month mark bed-rest stints. The great liver/kidney/gallbladder bile backup of 2014. You know, that was the itchy and scratchy show that happens to like one in an bazillion women which resulted in phone calls from the doctor's office at 9pm on the night before induction insisting that I needed to drive to the ER and pretend to be in labor because "beds are filling up, and Casey, you have have the baby tomorrow..." you know - three weeks early.

I'm not exaggerating. The doctor's office called me at 9pm the night before I was supposed to arrive at the hospital and told me that beds were filling up and that I had to be in one. I was told that I needed to go in and pretend to be in labor. Really. I would have been freaking out more had it not been for the distraction of the misery of liver malfunction.

Thank you, God for our healthy Nils!
Our Prayers of the People includes prayers for the pregnant. A woman named Casey is on the list right now which is evidently insanely confusing for people. As everyone knows, I am the only woman in the entire world with that name who could get pregnant. Duh. Chris, loveable Chris, took it in stride and during the announcements told the congregation that it is not me that we're praying for and that he and I are going with a "man on man defense for now when it comes to parenting." He handled it so well. I actually got a few "congratulations on not being pregnant" after the service. I know the other Casey and am insanely excited for that family so I had a beer that night in celebration for them. And a second beer in celebration of the fact that I don't have to be the one barfing for 9 months! L'chaim!

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