Monday, April 13, 2015

To Infinity and Beyond

On Sunday we were literally about to walk out the door when I realized Nils had a fever. So off came his church shoes and into his hand went his blankie. "Carolena," I called out from Nils' room as he happily sucked down a syringe full of acetaminophen, "Nils is sick and we have to stay home."
Before I could blink she was there in the doorway taking off her shoes and yanking ferociously at the ribboned braid in her hair, "Great. So I can take this out?" she said.
Later that afternoon she brought me an empty beer box and requested that I cut a hole in it and get down the foil for her so that she could be an astronaut.

And Nils, sick or not, saw a camera and thus was not to be left out of the picture taking:

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