Wednesday, February 25, 2015

This Little Light of Mine, I'm Gonna Let It Shine

As I recently confessed, I'm in the discernment process of what to do with my love for writing. Don't you love that phrase, "the discernment process"? It gives the impression that I am meeting regularly with a spiritual adviser, working diligently behind closed doors, and having discussions with an editor.

I could let you go on believing that is what my discernment process looks like.

Oh, who am I kidding? No one believes that! Anything that orderly isn't part of my world. To me, it merely means that I've been writing and teaching (intermediately) for the last six years (six years!) and over that time have found that I love love love to write and teach. So, who cares? What should I do about that?

With some encouragement from others, I've decided (for now at least) that I am going to start working on some small group curriculum and devotionals. I've had numerous requests for such work over the last few years and have decided it's time to start more actively pursuing that. So, step one: write, write, write. What comes after that? I have a few ideas. First I'd better concentrate on writing. And writing. And writing.

I thought about (and even started penning) a book but have quickly discovered that my Slytherin tenancies are just too pronounced. I need to add good into the world and not humor at the expense of others. Although, that cookie monster story really is priceless isn't it?

So, wish me luck! If you need me at 5am I'll either be working out or right here in front of the old laptop. Typing away with a cup of boring decaf tea nearby my cute new houseplant and yummy smelling candle from Kel.

1 comment:

  1. I've been trying to get you to write bible studies for years. Finally!
