Saturday, October 18, 2014

You're the Top, You're a Waldorf Salad

This morning I awoke to a toddler with a booger on her finger and Clifford the decidedly annoyingly big red dog on the television. I spent the morning sitting in an old soccer chair drinking coffee from a swag coffee mug, wearing unwashed mismatched clothing, and working on a dollar store Sodoku book while Carolena rode her scooter around our driveway and Nils took a nap.

Then I washed my face and hair-sprayed the hell outta my hair. I drew on some cat eyes, threw on some bright lipstick, stepped into my heels, and gave everyone in my fam a kiss (and one little gal got a "kissing hand" as well). With the music blasting in the Prius I headed into the city.

It's funny how a nice seat in the theater and a glass of wine can really make you forget you have ever had to use your bare hand to wipe someone else's nose (or hiney as the case may sometimes be). Minutes after arriving at the theater I thought of all of the moms at home in the burbs, donning their maroon t-shirts, and pretending to care about the status of "The Game." Stretching my legs out into my ample space and glancing around the crowded theater I thought of all the schmucks sitting up in the nosebleed seats (you know, the ones I'm too cheap to buy) and sighed at the sheer bliss of it all. Songs were sung. Dances were tapped. I was the King of New York. Er Houston... well, something like that.

As Kelly and I left the theater I glanced down and thought, "oh! A penny!" and just like that the spell was broken. It was time to head back to suburbia. I burst through the door singing, wiped off my lipstick, and threw on pajamas. Dinner from a crockpot, two cute munchkins in a bathtub, and a package from my mom. A beautiful day from start to finish. My life. "It's delightful, it's delicious, it's delectable, it's delirious, it's dilemma, it's delimit, it's deluxe, it's de-lovely."