Thursday, October 23, 2014

A Word to the Wise

If you see someone wearing bell bottoms get out a Prius it is probably safe to assume that their "This Land Is Our Land National Park Foundation" tee shirt is not advocating strict border control.

It is probably safe to assume that you are a moron and have misread more than just this person's shirt.

Lady in the Home Depot parking lot, I'm looking at you.

A word to the (un)wise should be sufficient.

1 comment:

  1. A good way for Dad to make money in retirement would be to become a News Consultant. He could go to people's houses and flip through all the 24 hr news stations and yell, "THIS ISN'T NEWS!" for each one. After fishing, I think that's his favorite hobby. Fulfill a need, enjoy himself, make some cash- win-win. Win.
