Thursday, May 19, 2016

A Letter to My Future Whiney Self

Dear Future Casey,
Someday in the next few months you will once again whine about the side-effects of your new/old migraine preventative medication. Future Casey, shut your whiney mouth.

I took a break from my preventative medicine the last few months to chart my headaches. It has resulted in the re-revelation that I feel crummy everyday. Yesterday I told Carolena I was going to the "neurologist, the doctor who helps me with my headaches" and her response was "wow - you probably need to see him everyday!"

So, I'm going back on the preventative daily meds. The side-effects are a bummer (it leaches potassium making my skin insanely sensitive) and I have to once again stop drinking alcohol.

Yes, I see some whining in my future.

And yet, here, on this side of things... I can say that I have lived with those side-effects and I've lived with daily headaches, and I'm going to choose the side-effects. I would rather feel good and be back to drinking Gatorade. I am a very healthy person. I eat well. I exercise. I get as much sleep as can be expected with two small kiddos. I want to be someone who doesn't take any meds at all. That isn't the hand I've been dealt so I'm going to do the best I can with what I've got: migraines. Which in my particular case means daily meds. Suck it up Future Casey. It's better on that end of things.

Yesterday my neurologist was pushing on two points of my head (forehead and base of my skull where my pain originates and resides daily) and I almost fell asleep it felt so great. He was checking to see if there was any tenderness and had to laugh at me when I was like "wait! keep doing that!" Ha. I love that guy. If you need a recommendation for a good neurologist in Katy/West Houston I've got your guy.

So, as of last night, I'm back on track to start feeling great again... so don't offer me any juleps, I'll have to decline.

1 comment:

  1. Did you try the virgin cocktail I invented during Lent called a Gallieean? I will make one for you anytime! Low cal!
