It feels like it's been summer around here for quite some time. Is it
not the middle of July? Huh... weird. I could have sworn it was. I'm
thrilled that it isn't as we are having a great time. Going to Disney
World and then the beach twice really threw us into summer mode around
here, and things are going swimmingly. It seems everywhere I turn there
are things that make me smile. Sure, the house is a mess (which I'm
swimming upstream trying to clean it), but at least
the mess is largely due to people having fun and using their creativity.
We've watched little to no tv as we have all been have been too busy reading and
playing and painting and creating and imagining. Ah, bliss.

I love when the tv is off. I'm convinced my children are far better behaved when they are getting out energy and creativity rather than zoning out in front of a screen. So, behavior around here has been pretty great lately too.
I can't remember the last time we ate dinner in the kitchen. Why would we when we can eat outside on our deck? A tablecloth, a "summer time" meal, dessert most nights, and candles that get promptly blown out by the wind, yes, we love eating on the deck. The lizards scamper around and we dream about what our deck dweller rabbit might be up to. And then we walk back inside carrying all of our plates and utensils, toss them into the sink, and clean up is nearly finished!
Bathing suits have been constantly drying in showers and laundry room. Watermelon is staining our clothing. A pile of "to be tie-dyed" has started in the kitchen.
Summer is in full swing around here and it's pretty darn swell.
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