Saturday, January 16, 2016

Update to The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Update to November's The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly:
January 2016 edition: The Good, the Great, and the Fabulous

My mixer is back! My mixer is back! I would post a picture... but I didn't take one. It's back. It looks like a big stand mixer. And best of all: it works again!

Second best of all: it was at the low-end of the price spectrum for getting a mixer refurbished! Hooray! Hooray! I will be celebrating by making a cheesecake. Because why is our fridge so full of cream cheese?

I have a mixer again. We can have homemade bread, pizza, and desserts aplenty! So that's pretty darn good, great, and fabulous.

Also, my migraine medicine has changed (fingers crossed) and I go back in three months with a report on how this one is going. Why do you care? Because I'm lifting my ban on alcohol since I'm off the other drug. Thus far I've had beer and been totally fine. I think my waistline is going to suffer from this. *sigh* Can't have everything.

Oh, and speaking of drinking - drinking Gatorade when I workout did in fact fix the workout-dizzies. Check.

In other news: C has been looking for things to do around the house (when did that happen?! She's always been so self-sufficient when it comes to playing!) and has been thrilled if I print worksheets for her. Yes, really. This kid loves them. Turns out what she needed was some math and literacy work to do. Go figure. I'm taking it as an opportunity to teach her to always write her name at the top of the page first thing. Hopefully getting that routine early will save some tears in the future. I might also make a big poster chart of things to do. Perhaps I'll make a chart of things to do to help around the house - maybe a sticker chart? - and when she arrives at a certain number of stickers something cool happens. Clearly this is well thought out.

Yep, things are pretty good, great, and fabulous right now. 

Stay tuned to find out what we've been building in our backyard... hint: it's involved wood, the brains (Chris who figured out how to create and how much/what to buy and just tells me what to do to help), and the brawn (me, as I've done all of the holding of heavy boards while he attaches them).

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