Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Dreams Do Come True

Hey, remember that time when Carolena announced her desire for her grandmother to make an Alf costume for her?

Dreams DO come true!!

She did it!!!

If you don't know Grandma/d2/Dianne then you probably don't know that she is the queen of internet searching. We don't know HOW she does it - but she can find anything, anyone, any information online. She is an anomaly Boomer when it comes to the internet. And thus... the Alf mask was found and Grandma got to work on a fur suit.

Carolena loves her new costume and has now spent two days terrorizing our cats (because, duh, Alf eats cats). Nils yells "bumble!" and runs from her as he is convinced that she is dressed as Bigfoot, the Abominable Snowman's East Texas cousin.

And as I watched that furry little guy run by, I found my childhood dream had come true too: Alf is finally running around my house.

Aren't grandmothers the best?

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