Sunday, January 24, 2016

Unsolved Mysteries

When others talk about the mystery of the "missing left sock" I've always been inwardly dumbfounded. What do you mean you can't find a sock?! Just put both in the hamper, dump the contents of the hamper into the washer/dryer, fold them together... repeat as needed. Evidently I've now reached the point in motherhood in which I can't find the kids' freaking "left" socks. Where do those little devils go?!

They're probably stealing our containers and hitting the road. Because where are all of the containers? I go to put leftovers away and just find a bunch of lids in the cabinet. Where are those lidless containers?!

They're probably somewhere out there with the missing socks. They watch as I bring bags and bags of crap out of my house and while we're sleeping they sneak in to refill the toy bins with Happy Meal sized toys and naked Barbies.

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