Tuesday, November 3, 2015


I barely got to see Kelly last summer. Somehow between kids going to swim lessons and vbs and families going on vacation, we were never home at the same time. And then along came fall, and kids went back to school... on opposite days of the week! So, I've seen my sister like five times (or less) in the last six months. Five is stretching it.

Noooooooo!!!!! I'm having withdrawl.

Some of you are like, "uh. who cares? My sister lives half-way across the globe."
And to you I say, "Phooey. Getting to see my sister is one of the reasons I don't live half-way across the globe."

(Read that like I'm saying it in slow motion and reaching my whole arm out depressingly at the cold harsh computer screen. Also, for effect, imagine my computer is an Apple IIe. Oh, why isn't it?! From now on you can always imagine that it is).

My life is better when I see my sister regularly. I grew up practically sharing a room with her as we shared one wall and a door that was usually open or being slammed shut in slow-motion across carpet and then later creaked open for one of us to peep through and sheepishly apologize. In retrospect it would have been cool (and by cool I mean she would have driven me INSANE) if we'd had a prohibition door.

Oh Dear Lord, I take it back. She would have been sliding that little door open at all hours of the night, waking me up just to say, "hey, what are you doing?" Argh! It's making me insane just to think of it!

In college my mom would warn us against hanging out too much lest we not make any friends. To which we claimed, "who needs friends?" and quickly developed our own language and drove backwards through the Taco Bell drive-through. Who needs friends indeed? I need Kellllyyyy!

Where are you?! Pearland? The Land of Pears?
The Land of Pears and Loose Women more like it. That's what we call it in these here parts.
Okay, we don't call it that. But we do now. Official decree Katy suburbanites: the suburb of Pearland shall henceforth be known as "The Land of Pears and Loose Women" because that is hilarious and I have declared it so.

Dear Kelly, Call me every five minutes. Come over. No, I'll come there. We'll meet in the middle. First we'll make snow angels for two hours, then we'll go ice skating, then we'll eat a whole roll of Tollhouse cookie dough as fast as we can, and then we'll snuggle.

Somebody bring me my sister!

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