Tuesday, November 10, 2015


It is currently 545 am. I have been awake with a little guy named Nils for about an hour now.

Some might blame the time change. To them I say, "malarkey." I don't get all of the time change whiners. Do you go to bed and wake up at the exact same time every single day? If the answer to that is "yes" then alright, you may complain. Everyone else, get over it. If you or your children ever go to bed late/early or wake up late/early, then your arguments about the one hour difference on one night of the year are nonsensical. All of us are now dumber for having listened to you.

See, mean blogging. I just can't help it.

Instead of bitching about time change nonsense I'll tell it like it is: Nils woke up early (as per the usual) and for some insane reason instead of leaving him in his crib to quietly play (as per the usual), I let him come out and sit by me. So now I'm drinking coffee and writing and listening to Barney music and a happy little guy yell, "Man-Man!" each time he finds Spiderman in a Look & Find book. Oh, and did I mention he's dancing to Barney?

He just looked at me, smiled, yelled "Mommy!" and I got a big hug and kiss on the face.

I wonder if I'm going to have a cold now. I hope not... Perhaps more coffee will stave off the cold.

I let Nils get up ridiculously early. I probably won't do it again anytime soon, but right now, for this morning, it's pretty great.

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