Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thursday Morning Ramblings

Nils slept in until 8. That was the first clue that something was amiss.

He awoke flushed and with a low grade fever and spent the morning curled up on his napmat watching cartoons. He then threw up all over his napmat (which we are now about to learn whether or not it's washing machine safe) and is napping.

I went to bed at 7 last night with a migraine (a dull gnat-like-annoying one) that has lasted for a few days. I woke up at 7something with it still lingering. This is terribly annoying to me as I've taken my meds, but at the same time I'm very thankful that I'm up and at em and just have a dull ache and not a full-blown-unable to talk thing going on. And actually... it is starting to abate. Thank God.

Oh my gosh, Nils is sick. Poor little Nils.

And also, as I am guilty as anyone of my life revolving around me, I cannot cannot CANNOT get sick. I'm teaching as a guest speaker at a church in Houston on Sunday. My poor hands are going to start bleeding soon from being washed so much. I smell like vomit. Perhaps I should go change.

Oh, motherhood.

Thankfully Carolena is in a great mood today.

In other news: Carolena's teacher conference took place yesterday. It was so fabulous that we surprised her with a pizza and a movie dinner last night as a celebration. That kid. Her teacher had a glowing report about a kid who is thriving. It made me so proud. She spoke so highly of C's kindness to all of the kids and said the phrase "self-starter" a few times. She talked about how much Carolena loves to learn and how she is just an awesome kid. I was one proud mama. Sometimes its hard to see those things when you're the mom and thus the one getting screamed at in the midst of tantrums and insanity and getting the brunt of all of the tiredness. It was nice to hear that the teacher sees a kid who loves to learn and who is kind to all of her classmates and helpful in the classroom. It was rewarding to hear her teacher say she sees Carolena as a kid who will "rise to the occasion and thrive wherever she is." Yes, pizza party night indeed.

Umm... back to Nils. When C was his age her favorite song was "smah-smah!" and we were commanded to listened to Disney's Small World on repeat.

Nils' favorite song that he wants to hear on repeat and be sung to sleep with? "Holly! Holly!" as in... Weezer's Buddy Holly. Yep. I just tucked in a feverish little sweetheart by rocking him in my arms and cooing "ooh eee ohh I look just like Buddy Holly... uh oh and you're Mary Tyler Moore..." and when I got to the end of the lyrics I know he smiled and said "again! again!" *sigh* What a guy.

"I don't care what they say about us anyway. I don't care bout that."

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