Sunday, May 4, 2014

More Signs I'm Turning Into My Mother

Just when you thought I couldn't be anymore of a mini-me of my mother, the following things happened:

"Any toys left on the floor will be thrown away" came out of my mouth.

Our vacuum shows no mercy for small pieces of chalk, hairbands, and crapola toys.

The kids were feisty and it wasn't yet bedtime... so I just tossed them both in the bathtub to occupy them and keep them contained.

And then there was the time that I tooted loudly (accidentally!), saw Chris' expression, and I blamed it on the cat (Clearly it had been me. Blaming it on Max is just funny). Perhaps I'm turning into my father after all... certainly that is not becoming Leona!

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah...
    and besides, vacuums live for Legos and Barbie accessories.
