Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Are You Bragging or Complaining?

In the world of facebook and blogs moms can get a bit out of control. Pictures of perfect homes and children in handmade smocked outfits and clean smiling faces. Pictures of beautifully assembled homemade desserts and pinteresting crafts. Hm. That's not our house.

Our house is messy. It's a miracle every single time the kitchen gets mopped. As in call the Vatican kind of miracle. I'm under the impression that "master bedroom" is a code phrase for "crap catcher." And is it even possible that there are counters under all of that stuff?

Carolena likes to pick her own clothes. And I let her. I usually only veto things like jackets in May. Other than that bring on the cat costume, tutu, and my pair of Cat in the Hat ankle socks that she wears as knee socks.

Our litterbox always needs scooping. And Olive's fur is permanently matted. Seriously cat? I love you... but you can't take care of your own damn fur?

This morning I forgot to bring my bag containing a nursing cover and burp cloth. So, I had to nurse sans cover and then use the bottom half of my shirt to wipe up the spit up covering the entire top half of my body. None of that bothered me. You're welcome fellow Cinco Ranch Library patrons.

Our living room carpet could write a book entitled, "1001 Things that Spilled on Me This Month." The list would include orange juice, milk, and scotch among other things. I'm not sure anything spilled on our carpet got there from a toddler. The carpet would for sure throw me and Chris under the bus as the guilty parties.

Days around here are pretty messy. Sticky little hands are busy helping out around the kitchen. Toys and books that have been carefully put away are thrown back onto the ground before the next task can be accomplished. As I pack my bag and set it by the door my toddler unpacks it and puts it somewhere else. And the laundry, dear Lord, the laundry.

But, in all of this, I have to admit that right now I'm bragging. Not complaining. I'd much rather have a home so full of love and life and fun that there isn't any room left for keeping it clean.

Well... maybe a little bit tidier would be nice.

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