Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom
By Carolena

If you are listening to the popular Mary Poppins ditty A Spoonful of Sugar (which, of course you are) take care to pay close attention to the lyrics regarding robins. "A robin feathering his nest has very little time to rest while gathering his bits of twine and twig. Though quite intent in his pursuit he has a merry tune to toot..." If you listen closely you'll be able to tell your mother later about robins who toot in their nests, "Two robins! They toot. Yeah, robins toot in their nests."
*Mommy note: Well played Carolena. Well played.

When arriving home from Kroger if your parents allow you to carry in the bag with a loaf of bread in it, be sure to maximize this opportunity. When your mom asks you to bring the bread to the kitchen so that she can put it away ask her which loaf of bread to which she is reffering. "My baby bread?!" Carry the baby bread around for the rest of the evening. Poor baby bread. Why has no one cared for her in the past? Give her a clean diaper and pajamas. Wrap her in a blanket. Carefully hold her, sing to her, and rock her. Baby bread is such a sweet darling baby. Treat her as such.

Host parties for your stuffed animals. They give you so much it is really only fair to give them something fun in return. Be sure to offer them their beverages of choice and play your red can "drum" for them. They'll want the party to rage all night long so act shocked if you return in the morning and the animals have retreated to their boxes. Hmph. Mommy probably broke up the party. What a stick in the mud.


  1. ha-ha-ha! I can so see Carolena doing all of this! So funny that she picked up on the word 'toot'. And who wouldn't want to cuddle with a loaf of bread? Hmmm....bread.

    1. When I made sandwiches for lunch yesterday she asked me if I used her baby bread. I said yes and she ate it anyway. Woah, I'd better watch her around Nils!

  2. I'm glad to see that the un-pointy kitty is being nurtured with caffeine free coke. :)

    1. And, fyi - she thinks you made it for her. One day she asked me where it came from and I said, "Aunt Kelly made it." She looked at me with the most blissful and astonished look on her face and said, "Aunt Kelly made this for ME?!" I just had to say yes.
