Wednesday, March 5, 2014


Dear Stomach,
I am sorry I ate a sausage patty at church on Shrove Tuesday.
I am sorry about the second helping of sausage that came moments later.
I am deeply sorry over the small package of beef jerky I inexplicably purchased a few weeks ago and ate when I got home last night.

Dear Kelly,
I'm sorry I laughed at you that time you got diarrhea at Barnes & Noble.
And I'm sorry for telling everyone about it.
And I'm sorry for repeating it now.
And I'm sorry that someone might read this and not catch the Mean Girls reference...
or am I?


  1. HA HA HA HA....ooh, seriously tho...sorry for your discomfort.

  2. No REAL misery - just the self imposed groaning of eating too much weird meat in one day... and mainly the mental anguish of accomplishing such a feat

  3. That's not just a Mean Girls reference, y'all.
