Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Procrastination Station

I don't understand procrastination. I mean... I'm going to have to do it eventually, so why not get the monkey off of my back?

And yet...

Someday I will have to actually wean back this caffeine as my sleeping, or lack thereof, has reached a terrible place.

Someday I will have to actually call our doctors and dentists and get check-ups on the calendar. I've been procrastinating on that since January. Why haven't I done it yet?

Someday I will have to go back to ww and weigh in... and by someday I mean by the end of the month... and I really really don't want to pay. So why haven't I buckled down and gotten back to goal yet? Or even within the not-paying range?!

Someday I will have to clean the blinds in our kitchen. They are gross as that is where Nils sits. But in my defense - they are huge. And cleaning them sounds miserable.

I have a lot of things Future Casey will have to deal with. Today I'll concentrate on eating well and drinking slightly less caffeine. And maybe getting some of those making appointment phone call monkeys off of my back. Ah! And the kids need raincoats.

But first: coffee. And a shower. Because at least I worked out this morning.

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