Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Let's Go to the Movies. Let's Go See the Show

For the last month or two we've thought that Nils was ready to tackle sitting still for a movie in the theater. He watches entire movies at home. Why wouldn't he sit still in the theater happily munching popcorn, sipping lemonade, and enjoying Zootopia big screen?

Yeah. Right.

I'm pretty sure it was only two minutes into the movie that he stood up and declared, "No more tv" and attempted to walk away. He ate about two kernals of popcorn (which was to be both dinner and a bribe to stay seated). Luckily the theater was empty with the exception of some other small-child-type families. Nils and Daddy spent the middle portion of the movie wandering AMC.

I felt a smidgen of guilt that I was the one to stay with C, who is a born-movie goer, but then I remembered that I had just taken both children to the bathroom in the middle of the movie and the last movie I saw was Rio 2. We saw Rio 2 on the summer dollar day TWO years ago. C sat happily snacking and watching the movie. Nils slept in his carseat as he was months old. I kept waking up with a start to find I had once again dozed off during the worst movie ever. So yeah, I didn't feel that guilty about Chris being the one to chase the monkey Monsieur Nils around the theater.

Things we learned at the movie theater last night:
Nils is in fact not ready for the movies.
Casey does not get out enough if a "put your cell phone away" pre-movie commercial makes her laugh out loud for several minutes. 

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