Wednesday, March 2, 2016


Nothing kills rodeo day faster than a toddler in a pearl snap shirt barfing in the living room.


The day began with such excitement. I jumped out of bed before my alarm rang and bounded out to pump. I lifted a ton of weight (some personal bests) and came home to a sleeping family (well, two out of three ain't bad). We put on some country music (a rarity around here) and had a cowboy breakfast (flapjacks). Carolena giddily donned her rodeo dress and boots while I got Nils into his pearl snap shirt. Rodeo day at school! Chris had plans to come home early so that we could rodeo it up this evening. Carnival rides! Baby animals being born! Rodeo food! Suffice to say, we were pumped.

And then the puking incident occurred.

They say dress for the job you want, not the job you have. I'm a stay home mom. The job I want is the job I have. So I dress for the job I have... which means I changed out of my cute skinny jeans and funky jewelry and into an "I might get barfed on at any minute" outfit.

Sweet Nils is now snuggled on a "couch bed" which always gives me major childhood flashbacks to my own mom putting bed sheets on the couch and tucking me in next to a tray of saltines.

Rodeo, I guess we'll see you next week!

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