Thursday, August 20, 2015

Ah ha ha ha Stayin' Alive Stayin' Alive

Hey, Blog. I'm alive. I'm kind of sick of my blog and Facebook. Perhaps for no other reason than my grouchy Svendsen gene. I AM related to Ed the Red after all. I don't know. To quote my cousin as a child, "One dalmatian. A hundred dalmatians. Dog. Dog. Dog. I don't know."

After going to the writer's conference recently, and signging up Carolena for ballet ($$$$$) I'm trying to spend my writing time in a more productive manner and sending off to publications. Yes, really. I'm just stumbling around though. I have no real direction or purpose. Maybe that will come someday. Really, I have a degree in theology and should be writing in that capacity... but that's intimidating. Rejection in the theological ring sounds painful. For now, getting rejected from a woman's magazine sounds far less hurtful. Plus, they pay a dollar a word and that sounds like one story would cover ballet. Damn, two would practically cover vacation.

I'm not in a funk or a bad mood. I'm just sick of the summer. *gasp*  say it ain't so! There will come a point in the year when my friends in places farther north are sick of the winter. They'll be ready to go outside and play. That's where we are. I'm ready to be outside again and not sweaty on every single inch of my body. Just getting kids in and out of the car makes us all soaked. I'm ready for fall. You know, fall, when it's still hot but the humidity has dropped just enough for us to sit outside with coffee and not put ice in it.

Last year Kelly told me that it was time for her eldest to either start Kindergarten or find work as a hired hand on a whaling ship. I realize we're talking Pre-K here... but I'm beginning to see what she was talking about. C is sick of summer too. We've exhausted the fun. Too much fun is no longer fun. Plus our friends the Double H's are here: HOT and HUMID. The pool is luke-warm. The splashpad is shooting out lava. C is antsy. She's ready for school to start again. Hell, had it been up to her, we never would have stopped for summer.

We've still got a sizeable chunk of summer in our house as kids don't go back until after Labor Day. So, I've got to think... what would Mr. Toad do...? "Here today, up and off to somewhere else tomorrow! Travel, change, interest, excitement! The whole world before you, and a horizon that's always changing!" Perhaps we need another adventure.

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