Saturday, September 6, 2014

Out Came the Sun and Dried up All the Rain

My mom is coming tomorrow. Other women my age would be scouring their houses right now. They would be cleaning the oven and wiping down bathrooms in a doomed attempt at somehow tricking their mothers into believing that their homes are always spotless. Those moms arrive, find the one spiderweb that was created that morning, and promptly point it out.

Thankfully, I don't have that kind of mother. I do however, have those kind of spiders. I tend to notice their webs and let them stay. I don't mind spiders and figure those little webs come in handy for keeping bugs at bay. The spiders get a nice temperature controlled home. I get free bug control. It's a win win.

The only thing I worry about before my parents come to town is running the risk of my father looking for a pencil. What if he sees that ours are all off-brand swag from various institutions and not Dixon Ticonderogas?! We aren't all made out of money, Dad. Sheesh. Although, on second thought, perhaps he will notice and I'll get a nice package of newly sharpened Dixon Ticonderogas for Christmas. The next time he's in town I think I will carefully place some unworked crossword puzzles and Seminary of the Southwest pencils strategically around our home.

For the meantime, I still have hours before my mother arrives. The children are sleeping. Chris is watching football. The spiders are gearing up for a big night out on the town. Yes, I believe it is time for me to grab a book and curl up in bed. Have a good night little spiders. Good night.

1 comment:

  1. This little spider has lived under the step stool in our bathroom for months, but he has recently vacated his post. Nooooooo! He kept the pee-loving ants at bay! Come back spider!
