Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Words of Wisdom
By Carolena

Cats prefer to be called "mees." No matter how many times your mother or father calls a cat "cat" or says "meow," continue to refer to them exclusively as "mees." It's just an abbreviation of the word "meow" really. When talking to or about something as exciting as a mee who has time for extra syllables?

If you happen to see something with a pirate, a jolly roger, or a skull on it, yell "yo-ho!" and point it out for everyone to enjoy.

Play with your "Snow Mite" doll as much as possible. Ask to watch her movie everyday (most days Mommy will say no tv, but hey, it's always worth asking). When your parents sing your bedtime prayer each night scream "No! Heigh Ho!" over and over until they get the idea and sing the right song. Let's face it... "Snow Mite" is amazing.

All desserts, especially cupcakes, are to be referred to exclusively as "happies."

If you see someone with his/her eyes closed you should be sure that everyone around is aware that Mommy, Daddy, or one of your cats is sleeping. Press your finger to your lips and say, "shhhh" to anyone else in the room. Then, as loudly as possible, yell the sleeping person's name so that there isn't any confusion as to why everyone needs to be quiet. It's just common courtesy really.

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