Monday, May 4, 2015

That We All May Be One

The depth and layers of racism in America are not something that I can delve into fully, however, I do want say this: I think that change has to take place in the Church first and foremost. That's Church with a capital C - the universal Church, all denominations. Sure, we can (and should) make adjustments to laws in our country that are biased. We should do a lot of things in government to promote justice for all. But, in my humble opinion, the segregation we maintain in the Church is  embarrassingly out of date. If Christians want to see a difference in the way people relate with one another, we need to be that change.

Sunday morning is said to be the most segregated hour in America. This isn't true of course, look around your neighborhood. Look around your grocery store. Look around your children's school. I'm guessing that for the most part, whatever your skin color is - that's what is around you too. Let's face it America, when it comes to black and white, we're still segregated. And most of us are sickened by that fact.

I find that to be suffocating. I feel like there are so many of us who are not racist. Who watch the news and hear the things people say (even the casual off-hand things those people we grew up with say in front of us - ugh!) and it's sickening. Yet, I don't know what I can do. What can we do? Sure, I can be nice to everyone I encounter regardless of their skin, regardless of mine. But then what? Lots of people do that. Racism is still a huge problem in America.

I believe that change has to start in the Church. All of us, all of us Christians need to look around us on Sunday mornings and decide that segregating ourselves is no longer okay. Sure, we all grew up with different worship styles, music preferences, liturgies. Yep, I get that. So, for now, I'm not proposing that everyone ditch their Sunday mornings. But what would it look like if we started gathering together as the Church in common prayer? In common mission? In outreach and fellowship? How awesome would it be if black churches and white churches partnered together to get to know one another as friends. As brothers and sisters. I'm talking one to one here. One black church + one white church. Any denomination. Then the two would meet up however often they want for outreach and fellowship. Working alongside one another they could transform a community with their service. In prayer they would grow together in faith. In sharing a meal together people would grow to know one another as the brothers and sisters in Christ that we all are. Simple: just one to one. In this way the Church would be transformed and transform the world.

Yes, I think racial change has to begin in the Church. Christ's prayer for his Church is plain and straightforward: "that they all may be one." If the Church can't desegregate, what hope is there for racial harmony in anything else?

Let us go forth in peace to love and serve the Lord.

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