Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Crafty Like Ice is Cold

You would think a blogger showing a recent craft would take an artsy photo.
Or at least get some good lighting going.
I mean really, just some decent lighting and a clean kitchen floor would be nice.

I think we all know I'm not that kind of blogger.

So. Hey, guess what! I got this gem for $10 at Goodwill:
In case you can't tell from that very well taken photograph, it's a piano bench.

Yesterday the kids and I ran amok at Joanns and came home with a bag full of paint, some projects for the kids, fabric C picked for a yet to be made dress (ooohh now the suspense is killing you! what did she pick? what did she pick?! to be continued...), AND new fabric for my piano bench. I was lucky enough to find a nice sturdy thick piece of fabric in the remnant bin. With some staple gunning (can I make that a verb?) and paint found in our garage... voila!
A cute hinged lidded bench? Yes, please! I wonder if my ukulele would fit in there...


  1. OMG. Do ours please! I will pay you in coffee!

    1. Is yours a cushioned seat? Because I have fabric and paint leftover and will do yours. It will take like five seconds. OR you can purchase this one from me for $80. Just kidding only $50. Also, my uke doesn't fit in it.
